"GTM offers an exclusive day of golf with the International Cup, an exciting tournament between international players representing their embassies and Moroccan golfers. This tournament embodies cultural exchange and friendly competition on magnificent courses, unifying golf enthusiasts beyond national borders for an authentically Moroccan experience with the potential for business development.
GTM strives to create memorable moments where golf transcends borders to unite enthusiasts of the sport, elevating the gaming experience to an international level.

The Benefits of Sponsorship:

International Networking: As a sponsor, you will have the exceptional opportunity to connect with members of the diplomatic corps, international directors, and local leaders. This allows you to establish strategic connections, identify new business opportunities, and strengthen your presence in international and local markets through these high-level relationships.
Multicultural Visibility: Your brand will be exposed to a diverse audience, offering visibility to a wide range of people. Whether through logos on the event website, communication materials, exhibition stands, or during speeches, your presence will be noticed by a multicultural audience.
Targeted Promotion: The exposure of your products and services will be in front of an audience composed of international and local profiles, providing an exceptional opportunity to present your offers in a targeted way to specific and diverse groups.
Expertise Exchanges: Participating in such an event will allow you to exchange knowledge and expertise with international professionals and local actors, creating unique opportunities for mutual learning and potential collaborations.
Positioning as a Committed Actor: Being a sponsor of an event of this scale will allow you to demonstrate your commitment to sport, culture, and local economic development. Your involvement will help strengthen your brand image as a dynamic company.
These combined benefits will provide you with an ideal platform to expand your professional network, promote your business internationally and locally, and build strategic relationships with thought leaders from diverse backgrounds."

Sponsorship Offer:

International Cup


Morocco vs. The Republic of Korea